Horses of Ireland

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The Irish Draught horse is a powerful and prestigious animal renown for its impressive versatility and strength. High intelligence and a docile nature combine with excellent athletic ability to form this world famous, Irish staple.

The Draught horse originates from a small ambling breed known as The Hobby Horse. These were bred with Irish war horses and, additionally, Spanish horses shipwrecked from the Armada that had been washed-up in the South West of Ireland near Cork.

im4 Its natural athletic ability and exceptional jumping capacity shine through in the show jumping arena. Moreover, the Draught horse competes at the highest levels of eventing. Perhaps then it’s no surprise that The Irish Sport Horse often wins the coveted studbook in the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses.
The Draught horse of today is often crossed with thoroughbreds and warmbloods to produce the popular Irish Sport Horse – also known as Irish Draught Sport Horse and Irish Hunter. This much sought-after breed is a popular choice for crossbreeding and is exported all over the world.   im1
im3 Riding an Irish Sport Horse is a great opportunity to experience the delight of one of Ireland’s most celebrated horses.